Baltimore to Connecticut

February 26-Jersey, Sure

by Lenny Hughes

Wondering where I've been?

Tom Wolfe said Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters held together by saying, "You're either On the Bus, or you're Off the Bus."

I can imagine that meant more than it seemed on the face of it.

Suffice it to say, I've been Off the Bus.

I flew home from Maine when you last heard from me. Portland is a fine city, by the way.

I was headed to Vermont the following week, and a glorious stint in Boston, when the Blizzard of 2017 hit the northeast. Flights canceled. I stayed home. I'd had visions of those springtime romps around Boston Commons some time back. I'll send you a selfie I took in front of a nice bar I found on the edge of the park.


But it wasn't to be; nevertheless, I stayed in touch-as all of you can-by tuning my computer into and catching the live stream he does around 10 p.m. after each show.

I sat out the next round of shows up in Westbury, NY, since there were only a couple, and because I "have a million things to do at home." Zeke held down the Merch Fort nicely.

Somehow, they thought I would sit out THIS weekend, and I almost blew the weekend, but I got my rump in gear and made it up to Baltimore Friday, thanks to Zina and her SUV. My wonderful news editor Nancy Scales (from my Sentinel days) came to the show. She now works for Children's Hospital.

Sadly, I missed the previous show in Charlottesville (and worse yet, a lunch with Lew's parents...for which I'll catch hell from Mrs. Black next time we meet).

Anyhow, after Baltimore, we made it to Secaucus, where we camped out through the weekend.

Last night's show landed at New Brunswick, NJ.

Before that gig at the State Theatre, Lewis entertained a clatch of Rutgers students who are producing several of his one-act plays, which have been recently published in a compilation called "Lost in Place."

In an informal Q & A session at the State's greenroom, the students asked him about his playwriting career, and other varied experiences, including his encounter with spirits.

Today, we rolled over the George Washington Bridge and up the New York Thruway, headed for New Haven, Conn., home of the Shubert Theatre, and Lew's post-grad alma mater, Yale.

George Washington Bridge

New York State Thruway

"This is the scariest place I ever lived," he recalled his time there in the '70s, as he strolled around the town in the increasingly chilly air. Apparently, it has become more civilized, judging from the nice shops and restaurants all around us.


More strolling

Meanwhile, the show's about to start, so I'll pause here.

Lewis onstage in New Haven

The tour heads next week to the Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ, but once again, I'll be off! Unfortunately, the Bus has to be cruising to Oregon for the west coast venture, and the Merch Trailer goes with it.

See you in Oregon,